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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Homeopathy-not a good alternative?

Me and 2 of my friends had a 'huge' discussion about whether or not homeopathy is actually effective. Me and 1 of my friends say "yes, homeopathy is indeed very effective.".... whereas the 3rd one amongst us said "no, homepathy doesnt work at all."
I personally believe that homeopathy is a relatively 'old' method of treatment, however, very little research was done in this field. Which is why I would label it as a still 'emerging' branch of medicine. I have seen several cases being treated through homeopathic medications, when allopathy failed.
My friend said "I can take a culture plate and a drop of allopathic medication can kill the bacteria on the plate. Can you do the same with homeopathic medications and prove its effectiveness to me?"
Allopathy and homeopathy work in 2 different ways. And I recently found out that they have opposite effects.

Allopathy works by opposing the disease. That is, it tries to counteract the disease. For example, in case of allergy, it acts by suppressing the immune system.
Homeopathy works by inducing the similar effect as that of the disease. I am not very sure myself how exactly it works. But supposedly the homeopathic medicines are all shook in a special manner. The particles gain kinetic energy and this energy coincides with that of the body tissues. This then induces the same effect that the disease produces. Homeopathy believes that anything that causes disease in itself has a cure. That is, the poison that affected you, can also cure you, with certain manipulations.

Its weird, but it works. Not everything is curable by homeopathy (just like not everything is curable by allopathy). But even then, some of the disease that have been declared in-curable by doctors has been cured by homeopathy.

Also homeopathy side-effects are minimal.

Then again, it is in the end a matter of choice. Some people totally refuse to believe in homeopathy (be it a life and death situation even!). Whereas some live only on homeopathic medicines.


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