Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (iA)

AsSalamuAlaikum and AhlanWaSahlan... Welcome To My Head - My World...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

So Yesterday So Yesterday

At the orthopedic clinic yesterday, there was a russian patient who visited the doctor about an ankle sprain, along with his friend (the translator). Although he was a translator his vocabulary in english was very limited.

The doctor asked the patient to get an X-ray done. He said yes initially, though he clearly did not understand. They stand up to leave and the translator person asks the doctor, "Why dont you do a 'Roentgen' for him?". At first I was like 'huh? what is that?'.(He pronounced the 't' in it as well. It is supposed to be silent right?)

I was actually a little surprised that people still call X-rays by his name. Roentgen by the way is the one who discovered X-rays in the tube thingy(vacum tubes?).

Oh and when they came back with the X-ray, I also got to know that they dont understand what a 'cast' is. They called it gypsum. Which isnt really just as shocking as the 'Roentgen' thingy.

A small note to share. Nearly a 95% of all right handed people have a dominant left hemisphere. And 60% of left handed people have a dominant left hemisphere (not right!). Only 20% of left handed people have a dominant right hemisphere. The remaining 20% left handed people have a mixed dominance. Considering the fact that only around 10% of the world population is left handed, that would mean that we have 96% of the world population with left hemisphere dominance and only 2% with right hemisphere dominance and the remaining 2% to have mixed dominance.


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