Modernisation at what cost??
I focus mainly on the dressing aspect here, because that is where the flow of thoughts originated from (a tv show I was watching).
When I speak, I speak for the people of the sub-continent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh).
As far as I remember, the manner in which a woman is dressed reflects her inner self. And a woman was a symbol of modesty. Hence, the way she dresses reflected upon her modesty. This was the manner in which the clothes (in the whole sub-continent) were designed, so as to fulfil this requirement.
But what has happened today?
The scissors of the tailor have been over-worked. The clothes have shrunken in size and comes along with a few snips here and there. The material has shifted to the 'see-through' type. Some of the clothes have their sleeves chopped off (apparently they arent needed anymore).
The new definition of modern for the women - the more skin that shows, the more modern you are.
Is it because the women have lost their modesty, along the way to modernisation?
Does forgetting ones' identity come along with modernisation? Is it the price we have to pay??
When I speak, I speak for the people of the sub-continent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh).
As far as I remember, the manner in which a woman is dressed reflects her inner self. And a woman was a symbol of modesty. Hence, the way she dresses reflected upon her modesty. This was the manner in which the clothes (in the whole sub-continent) were designed, so as to fulfil this requirement.
But what has happened today?
The scissors of the tailor have been over-worked. The clothes have shrunken in size and comes along with a few snips here and there. The material has shifted to the 'see-through' type. Some of the clothes have their sleeves chopped off (apparently they arent needed anymore).
The new definition of modern for the women - the more skin that shows, the more modern you are.
Is it because the women have lost their modesty, along the way to modernisation?
Does forgetting ones' identity come along with modernisation? Is it the price we have to pay??
At Sunday, July 17, 2005 9:14:00 PM,
Abu Yusef said…
Modernizations is about science and technology. It is about changing the structure of some human systems to fit to the lifestyles that the new technology requires... Clothing has nothing to do with it...
That is part of commercialization and globalization rather than modernization...
It is always a danger when soceities take on new technologies that they also take on some cultural traits... because they see the more technologically advanced culture as some how superior. This is true to a degree... but being superior in technology and having systems to deal with the technology does not equate to overall cultural superiority. Societies need to get over their inferiority complex and stop thinking they have to change everything to better emulate those parts of other societies that they admire and most definately should emulate.
Even half of Americans hate the direstion that western society has taken on the relaxation of cultural morals. Why would someone emulate trait that a large percentage of the population being emulated hates most about their society?
It is the selling of instincts and emotions that plays it... appealing to the animalistic urges that years of civiliazation has allowed us to properly channel.
Abu Yusef
At Monday, July 18, 2005 4:42:00 PM,
Abu Yusef said…
We have a patient from Ponnana, Karala today with appendicitis.
At Monday, July 18, 2005 5:47:00 PM,
Blue Rose said…
I was going to use the term 'westernisation' instead. In fact, my topic was actually about how these days mordernisation equates to westernisation.
But I dint like where I was heading while I was writing the article. And my biased thinking only made it worse. Which is why I edited it later, so it wouldnt sound like a complete bash up. lol.
Oh and yea I tend to find someone from Kerala in every corner of the world. And my geographical knowledge of Kerala is not too good. So I dont know of that place. Anyway, whats he doing there?
At Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:35:00 AM,
Ninnevah said…
i think its just a misconception ingrained in the minds of alot of ignorant / naive ppl, that modernization equates to less clothes. its cos thats what they are shown.
At Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:40:00 AM,
Ninnevah said…
oh and that westernization and modernization are viewed as almost synonyms, ppl dont always want to sift thro the pluses and negatives when following an ideology or concept, its always easier accepting the whole thing without analizing or questioning.
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