Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (iA)

AsSalamuAlaikum and AhlanWaSahlan... Welcome To My Head - My World...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Pretty Pink Glasses

Here's a story I remembered from my school days. Its about two men at a hospital. Their beds were beside each other. Which is why they have a story together.

Both the men were bed-ridden. However, one of them had the advantage of having his bed by the window, so that he could have a view of world outside the dreaded hospital walls. The other man, however did not enjoy this luxury. And so the man with his bed by the window, used to narrate what he could see in order to help his new found friend paint a picture of the beauty outside - in his head.

He used to talk about the beauty of the blue sky, the birds flying by every now and then, and most of all the beauty of the stream that ran by past the hospital premises. Everyday, he would repeat what he could see, making it sound ever more beautiful each time he spoke of it.

Several days passed, and the two men became really good friends. And then there came the day when the man by the window died and his bed was carried away. The other man was saddened and dis-heartened by this event. A few days later he asked one of the nurses to allow his bed to be moved closer to the window, so that he could get a look at the scenery his friend had painted for him in his head.

The nurse agreed. With all excitement he propped up and peered out the window. To his dismay, all he could see was an old brick wall. He called the nurse, and asked when and why the brick wall was built there. She said, the wall has always been there. The man was confused. So he told the nurse about how his friend had seen the sky, a stream and the birds. She smiled and told him that his friend had been blind from the very start!

Its the choice of the spectator to see what he wishes to see. You choose your own colors. You choose the colors that you view the world with. Whether it be 'Black and White' or whether it be 'PINK'!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Thinking Too Hard

Life has strange ways. This usually goes without saying. But I simply can't stress that enough.

Every day of our life, we go about our usual chores. The same routine sometimes. A few changes here and there sometimes. And in this manner days go by, weeks go by, months go by and then you find several years going by.

So many hours, so many minutes, so many seconds. All skipping along serving no purpose, leaving no meaning and not having affected anyone or anything in anyway.

Yet, in comparison to all those millions of hours that I find speeding past me, I find myself thinking of the few seconds that have meant the most, those which have left a lasting impact and those which had a purpose for existing.

It may have been the few seconds I was waiting for the elevator. Or waiting inside the elevator. Or waiting for the bus. Sometimes, the few seconds before I fall asleep. The few moments I spend at the window, looking down at the world.

Inspite of the fact, that it was only a few seconds, in comparison to the number of hours I've lived, those seconds have been more worthwhile than any number of hours I've spent. Some very important facts and observations dawn on me during these idle moments in life. They may seem idle for an on-looker at least. However, in those few seconds I manage to be able to skim through my entire life, or life events and analyze them - if not each one by one, at least in general.

I realize what I've achieved so far, and what I haven't. How much meaning my life has, and how much it doesn't. What I've lived for so far, and what I haven't. What I should have been doing and what I shouldn't. In what way certain things have influenced me, and in what way they havent. They way life is, and the way it should have been. And several of other things.

And the seconds after that, when I snap out of it (or when I'm forced to snap out of it) I try my best to make a change in the way I best can. I try my best to make a difference based on what just hit me.

I read this today, on my friends laptop :D ....
It is narrated by Abu Hurairah: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "Allah said, 'The son of Adam annoys Me for he abuses Ad-Dahr (Time) though I am Ad-Dahr (Time); in My Hands are all things, and I cause the revolution of day and night." ( Sahih Bukhari)