Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (iA)

AsSalamuAlaikum and AhlanWaSahlan... Welcome To My Head - My World...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Islam being 'hijacked'??

(This is a letter written by a reader to the local newspaper that I found interesting)

Muslims have often complained of Islam being hijacked by a minority of fanatical followers, bent on waging a holy war against 'The West'. If Muslims feel that way, then they have only themselves to blame for leaving the door wide open and falling asleep.

A short while back, Canadian-based Irshad Manji published what was hoped to be the ultimate controversy in the North American Islamic Community. In her book, 'The Trouble with Islam', Irshad stressed 'reformation' ideas that seemed to revolve mostly on agitating practicing Muslims, rather than genuinely proposing any change.

After the book-launching and promotional kick-offs, her publishers had hoped for a much anticipated public backlash, Muslims burning her books, rallies and riots. Much to their disappointment, there was not so much as a momentary yawn from the Muslim community, conferences where the turn out was so small that they had to be cancelled, and community leaders who did not have the time of day to accept several invitations from Irshad Manji to debate on talk shows.

Muslims in North America have learnt that in such times, riots and rallies only serve the cause of extremists such as Irshad Manji, and the best way to deal with them is to counter their arguments with silence. At the same time, a thorough self-study of what reality is, so that we have answers to give to our children who are approached by the filth strewn from the likes of Irshad.

When we do not educate ourselves on Islam and put it into practice, we allow all elements of extermism - both from the left and the right - to take over the empty stage.

- Zeeshan Dogar, Mississauga, Ontario, Cananda

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Birthday

Yay!! I'm finally out of my 'teens'?

My friends made a little drama sort of thing which was supposedly a typical day of mine.. (sorta exaggerated actually - over exaggerated even) And they enacted it out at 12 midnight. One of my friends made a couple of songs for me too. :)

And then in the morning (well noon actually) they took me out for lunch. Where one of my friends gifted me a flower.

And then of course they had to act like idiots and make a fool of themselves. One of them (who assumes herself to be a princess) goes into a little kiddie pink castle to get her picture taken. The guy in-charge looked at us weird (probably thinking "Are they mentally unstable?").

And then they got their feet tired, so they sat themselves on the floor. One of them with her boots off her feet and laid in front of her. It was a hilarious veiw. It looked like they were performing for money or something. So a third one goes in between and strikes the other two (who are seated) on the head with a roll of paper going "I'm the drummer!". And a fourth one picks up a chair and sits by the side going "I'm collecting the money."

And of course I had my evening shift, so I was at the hospital the rest of the day...

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I woke up a little late today morning. As soon as I realized this, I ran to the bin as fast as my little legs could carry me. I was hoping that I'm not too late. I reached the bin, and peered into it. I was too late. The trash had been cleared already. I missed it!

I stuck my hand into my pocket. Empty as usual. There was a hole in the right pocket of my trouser. And it was getting bigger. Also, I just noticed that I need to get myself a new shirt. The pocket of the shirt was hanging, almost ripped off by the naughty boys I met along the other street. Three of the buttons were also missing.

I walked over to the edge of the sidewalk, and sat down there. My stomach growled. It was hungry. Last night there wasnt enough left over at the restaurant. I just had one bread for dinner. And now that bin was cleared, my breakfast was gone.

I closed my eyes. There wasnt much noise around. It was still early. I could hear a few cars rumbling in the distant. Everyone was starting their car up for work.

I made a silent prayer.

I was 12 years old. Both my parents died when I was 10, in a fire while I was at school. My father taught me a lot in the few years that he had with me. Which is why, I tend to be more sophisticated than other kids of my age. I was born with only one hand - my right one.

"O Allah! Most merciful and most powerful. Forgive my sins. I repent to thee. Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for the parents I was blessed with. Take good care of them. And open the gates of heaven for them. Thank you for my two legs and the one hand. Especially for my right hand. Please help me find breakfast."

Slowly I opened my eyes. And smiled to myself. The world is so much more beautiful with its colours.

"Thank You for my eyes."

I got up with a big smile on my face. I headed straight towards the restaurant round the corner, with a faint hope that they might offer me free breakfast before I start at my job.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The World In My Head...

From the middle of the ocean, it seems like the whole world is only water. No shore nor coast to be seen. No land in sight. Not even sure of the existance of land.

However, so many people ended up there - in the middle of the ocean.

Why are they there? What is their purpose? And who put them there?

Here and there, scattered about, were 'signs' that indicated the direction that one must take to return safely to land.

There was a large number of people initially, who chose to accept and believe in the signs, all of whom followed the direction (the 'right' directions) and headed that way (swimming).
Yet there were those who refused to believe in those signs and opted to follow their instincts.
Some others, concluded that the signs were meant to mislead, and took the course directly opposite.
There were also some who believed that there was no purpose to the whole thing. They were illusioned that it was 'chance' that brought them there, and no being was responsible. And so, they decided to enjoy every moment of it.

Each of these groups had their own leaders, who read the signs and instructed their followers accordingly.
There were amongst the crowd, those who wanted to be a leader as well. So they read the signs differently, convinced a few and lead some (blind followers) off the main track.

Amongst those who took the right path were two types of people. One, the kind who worried only about self to reach safety. The other, were those who stopped people heading the wrong way, and try to convince them of the truth (perhaps they care too much?).

The little ones were taken too far off course at times, to turn back when they realize the truth. However, some determined ones do make it back. And some others are too lazy, and so follow where the crowd takes them. Also, there were some who were being mislead.

Now... which one of them is right and which ones are wrong? Who is to blame? How can you prove either? Not one of those people can see land for themselves. How can anyone be sure of the existance of land? How can anyone be sure of the path to be taken towards that long awaited place?

Perhaps this is the strength of faith and belief???

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Messenger Freaks...

Have you ever had weird people adding you on msn? Well, I have. Too many times actually.

Most of them were random guys who come across my address in a forwarded mails in an attempt to make new 'friends'. This is what usually happens:

As soon as the person comes online....
Me: Who are you?
Guy: Hello
Guy: h r u?
Me: Who are you?
Guy: I am fine
Guy: u?
Me: not how
Me: WHO are you?
Guy: My name is xxx. wht is ur name?
Me: Not exactly what my question meant. But oh well..
Me: Why did you add me?
Guy: i want chat u. can i be ur friend? u mind?
Me: Where did you get my ID from?
Guy: from fwd mails
Me: You are crazy to be going around adding random people that you dont know
Guy: why u angry?
Me: First of all, you need lessons in english. Second, my mommy told me not to talk to strangers.
Me: Bye

And then I block and delete the person from my list.

Also, once two lesbian girls (using the same ID) added me. I ended up having a 1 or 2 hour (dont remember) argument about how I felt about lesbianism. Lol.. it was actually pretty funny.

Anyways, the lesson I learnt is... dont forward emails around. You might end with bad results.


There comes a stage/phase in life when we believe in something that we havent ever given a thought to. Yet, at that very moment we feel there is nothing more in this world worth believing. You wanna throw away everything else that you have ever worked for and earned through all your years of living for just this.

And at this point, no reason and no logic can make you change your mind. No matter how hard you try to think, it seems to be the only important thing in the world.
All the quotes that you had once read, are no longer just a bunch of words that people made a big deal of because famous people said it. They are all falling into place now.

Finally, you see that there was a purpose for your living. You are actually moving ahead. And you have actually reached a checkpoint along the course of your journey. There is finally something worth living for. Something to keep you going. Something that you can proudly call the 'light of your life'. Something you can treasure for eternity.

And now, nothing can disrupt your happiness on having found your sole purpose and destination. Nothing can stop you from reaching your goal. Nothing can come in your way.

(The above can refer to a lot of things.. I would be interested to know what the readers think I am talking about? Or what came to your mind while you were reading it?)